5 most powerful habits that you can learn and....GO!

I have no recollection of ever signing up for Quora (HOW DOES THE INTERNET WORK) but I saw the following headline that caught my interest:

How should a 24-year-old invest time?

And I don't think that I have been investing it really well in the past:

looks so effortless because I'VE PRACTICED MY ENTIRE LIFE
Now- it doesn't matter how old you are (or young for that matter). Advice on how to live your life is usually so generic that it's useless (if I read another article about "just be happy!"....) but I think that the post by RyzVan Rashid from Quora gives a nice comprehensive list that's worth skimming through.

Here are the takeaways:

Learn how to do something and then spend 1 month learning how to do it better. Practice just this one thing for a month until you form a habit and are able to do it unconsciously.

Just like tying your shoelaces. I guess that's a helpful skill since I have yet to fall down on my face on a sidewalk (just kidding- been there done that).

The 5 Most Powerful Habits That Anyone Can Learn

1. Take Care Of Your Body

You are stuck with it. Rashid suggests that perhaps you should do something with it? Revolutionary- I know. 

Spend 30 - 60 Minutes Each Day Exercising. 

Basically getting of the couch. Starting something is better than nothing.

Eat Food That Is Fresh & Healthy

"If you bring good things to this home the home will become nicer and you'll enjoy living in it. If you bring rotten stuff into this home the home will decay and you'll hate living there. "

So basically... drive through the drive thru. 

Play A Sport That You Like Everyday

Rush of competition, the instant feedback of success or failure and you will grow. 

2. Take Care of Your Mind

Use your brain. 

But how do you take care of your mind?

Read (a - GASP - book), write, listen, try new things. 

Get the trash out of your head. (Yes you can start after the next Bachelor show.)

3. Take Care Of Your Relationships

Talk to people. That way you won't die alone. 

Remember Birthdays & Anniversaries

I am really bad with that one... but I guess in this digital age it would mean more than anything to get a cute package in the mail from someone that cares.

Forgive Them Before They Ask For Forgiveness

Eh...While I know that this is the thing to do.... no. just no. 

Avoid Emotional Vampires

Bloody mosquitoes. Squish them with your willpower!

4. Take Care Of Your Finances

Don't get that trampoline. Don't get that trampoline.

Get Positive Cashflow

Making more than you spend. It's a toughie. 

5. Take Care Of Your Communication

And how do you do that?

Communicate At The 6th Grade Level

Try to sound simple. Simply sophisticated... :)

Putting It All To Work For You

You get what you put in. If you keep stuffing your face down with doritos YOU MIGHT BECOME ONE. (big point that wasn't mentioned in the article)

You can find the original (and unaltered) post here

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