face mask happiness

Nothing is more distracting than talking to someone and thinking that they must be staring at the pimple you found on your face this morning.

I use this face mask once a week and, along with a spinach-filled diet, I officially declare it a secret weapon to keep your lovely faces aglow. 

the magic ingredients:

1. Apple Cider Vinegar ~$5
Apple Cider Vinegar is awesome for acne. It helps replenish the natural acidity needed on your face to protect it from bacteria and pollution.  It also helps dissolve dead skin cells.
2. Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay ~$9 (http://amzn.to/1mUFQAT)
This is all-natural Calcium Bentonite clay, which has been used by humans for thousands of years to deep-clean pores and draw out impurities.
3. Banyan Organic Triphala Powder ~$16 (http://amzn.to/1vSvSW4)
This is an Aryuvedic herb chock full of Vitamin C and antioxidants.  It is also an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory remedy. In a mask, it helps to remove impurities and re-hydrate your skin.
now, it all comes together...

Step 1: Mix 2 TB of clay and 1 TB of Triphala

Step 2:
Pour in 1 TB of water, and 1 TB of vinegar. (And since I always measure in approximates, add more water until you have the consistency shown in the picture.)

Step 3: Mix it all up.

Step 4: Apply to face. Accept that it will probably get in your hair, even if you wear a headband. But it's okay.

Step 5: Let it dry for about 15-20 mins. You'll feel tingling all over your cheeks. Don't worry, that means it's working!

Step 6:
Wash off and enjoy your silky soft face.

Tip: Add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil for extra happiness.

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